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回歸自然、活在天然,今天給自己肌膚最好的。選用 Living Nature 百分百安全認證的天然護膚品,讓您擁有健康、美麗、充滿活力的肌膚。
始創於1987年,超過二十五年歷史的紐西蘭天然護膚品牌 Living Nature,選用凱里凱里 (KeriKeri) 裡土生植物成分。凱里凱里位於紐西蘭北部的一個美麗島嶼,環境清新,具有得天獨厚溫暖的氣候,四周環繞著的是原生灌木,森林和海灘,孕育出大量的葡萄園、奇異果、柿子和柑橘類水果的果園,是護膚品原料的寶藏。在這環境下,凱里凱里的蜜蜂能生活在授粉期間,使其生長得更好,而 Living Nature 所選用聞名以久的麥盧卡蜂蜜,幾乎全是在紐西蘭本地供應商所提供的。因此 Living Nature 的護膚品皆含神奇美容療效的皇牌成分(Hero Ingredient)。
我們只使用100%天然成分,保存劑和香料,而我們的產品獲德國 BDIH 天然護膚品認證,以及許多產品均達到 Whole Foods Premium Body Care 的天然安全標準。我們的方針:如果有關於成分的安全性有任何疑問,我們不使用它。Living Nature 每個產品的純度和安全性都經過嚴格測試,以確保我們沒有任何破壞性的化學物質或毒素。我們的承諾是為您提供最天然,安全,有效的產品來護理你的肌膚及保護地球。因此所以我們的產品絕不含以下的成分及生產過程:
- 合成防腐劑如羥基苯甲酸一樣或苯氧乙醇
- 刺激的表面活性劑,例如鈉、銨和月桂基/月桂醇聚醚硫酸酯
- 雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸鹽及化工如聚乙二醇,石蠟和其它乙二醇
- 矽、礦物油、人工香料或色素
- 動物測試
- 轉基因或輻射成分
Living Nature 成份以天然修護恩物麥蘆卡蜂蜜 (Manuka Honey) 和麥蘆卡油 (Manuka Oil) 為主,高效抗菌,極佳的滋潤保濕效果,修護皮膚受損的細胞。再配合大自然各大資源,有超強補濕的亞麻子凝膠 (Harakeke Flax Gel)、有淨化排毒功能的亞熱帶古火山洞裡的埃洛石凝土 (Halloysite Clay)、含豐富維他命的巨藻 (Kelp)、高效抗氧的桃柁樹 (Totarol) 及擁有天然肥皂效果的庫馬拉荷 (Kumerahou) 植物,再加上天然黃油,花油,礦物質和提取物,創造出一系列天然美麗,高效滲透力的護膚品。
為您帶來的效果是:用天然的保存、芬芳的香味、天然的認證成分來復修及滋潤您每吋肌膚。天然的配方為皮膚更容易吸收,更能無阻隔地滲透肌膚底層,讓您回歸自然,這就是 Living Nature。
天然認証 BDIHGerman-based BDIH set some of the most rigorousstandards worldwide for naturalness. They extend far beyond the ingredients, taking into account the environmental impact of sourcing raw materials and production, how the ingredients are handled, genetic modification and consumers' expectations. The standards also ban the use of radioactive radiation to disinfect and what's more, a company's entire range must meet the criteria in order to achieve the Certified Natural Cosmetics seal.
It's an extremely difficult certification to gain, which is why we're so proud to be BDIH certified, and in many cases to exceed their standards. We're also visited by a BDIH auditor every year, so when our packaging says certified natural, you know we've earned it. Read more about BDIH here.
Many of our products also proudly carry the Whole Foods Premium Body Care symbol. As the USA's largest retailer of natural skincare, Whole Foods have created Premium Body Care to identify the most exceptional personal care products available, with the strictest natural standards. It took Whole Food's experts more than two years to meticulously examine each and every personal care ingredient. Using the most current safety and efficacy data, research and resources available they evaluated each product ingredient in the four key areas of quality sourcing, environmental impact, results and safety, identifying over 400 ingredients unacceptable.
We tell the truth about our ingredients, products and manufacturing because we have nothing to hide. See how Living Nature products rate, and compare the contents and safety of your skincare and cosmetics here:
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