維C美肌益生菌療程 (升級配方)
維C美肌益生菌療程(升級配方)結合了四種獨特的益生菌,更加入醫學領先皮膚+腸道微生態健康成份Postbiotics 後生元,高達 50 億 CFU 億生菌和富含抗氧化劑的維生素C,這種組合不僅可安全有效地幫助支持和維持正常健康的腸道菌群,而且會產生協同作用,效果加強針對擊退7大衰老問題,包括皺紋、鬆弛、乾燥、膚色不均、暗啞、敏感泛紅、黑眼圈。
醫學新發現: 後生元Postbiotics
腸道有 100 萬億個微小生物,包括好壞益生菌,益生菌比壞菌多,腸道自然健康皮膚自然好,例如腸道健康有助製造更多維他命B及K,直接提升皮膚抗氧化能力及阻止膠原蛋白流失,而最新醫學指出,後生元是代謝益生菌及益生元的天然衍生物,衍生出來的健康後生元包括有: 抗氧化物質、維他命B 和 K、氨基酸等營養物質、胜肽,因此益生元亦有效提升免疫調節、抗發炎、抗氧化、撫平皺紋、緊實輪廓、增加肌膚彈力,以及有助於減緩有害細菌生長的抗菌肽物質,以及製造短鏈脂肪酸有助於益菌繁殖,提升益生菌對腸道及皮膚健康。
4+2 菌株:
嗜酸乳桿菌 (新加入後生元)
乳酸菌HA-524 ®️
長雙歧桿菌Rosell ®️-175
洛德乳桿菌HA-188 ®️
‧ 保濕|減少水分流失
‧ 阻止膠原蛋白流失,撫平皺紋、緊實輪廓、增加肌膚彈力
‧ 增強抗氧化能力以對抗自由基
‧ 通過提高免疫力減少感染,減緩有害細菌生長的抗菌肽物質,抗發炎

新配方臨床實證(3個月) ,皮膚質量有顯著改善**
100% 使用者表示有效改善一種或以上的衰老跡象
97% 表示有效改善膚色不均及暗啞
94% 表示有效改善皮膚泛紅

** 參與者沒有使用其他護膚產品

‧ 此產品含有大豆和奶類
‧ 此產品不能代替正餐|請保持均衡飲食
‧ 請勿攝取多於建議份量
‧ 如在接受藥物治療|服用此產品前請先咨詢醫生意見
‧ 請置於兒童不能接觸的地方
‧ 請存放於25°C或以下及陰涼乾爽處

Key Ingredients
Vitamin C
Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin and to the normal function of the immune system.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG
A type of bacteria found in your intestines. It's found in many foods including kimchi, miso and
Pediococcus Acidilactici HA-524
This is a species often found in pairs or tetrads and is added as beneficial microbes in the creation of cheeses and yoghurts.
Bifidobacterium Longum Rosell-175
Helps to break down most sugars in food and is present in seaweed, yoghurt, and kimchi.
Lactobacillus Reuteri HA-188
First isolated in 1962 and is a lactic acid bacteria which is found in a variety of cheeses.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus HA-122
Occurs naturally in the human body and is found in fermented foods including miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, and yoghurt.
Lactobacillus Plantarum HA-119
Lactobacillus is found in sourdough bread. As well as brine olives and pickles.
| Amount (in mg)
| Equivalent
| Nutrient Reference Value (%)
Vitamin C
| 12 | - | 15% |
Skin Youth Biome™ complex:
| - | - | - |
Providing 5 Billion CFUs‡ (5x10⁹) at best before date:
| - | - | - |
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
| - | - | - |
Pediococcus acidilactici, HA-524®
| - | - | - |
Bifidobacterium longum, Rosell®-175
| - | - | - |
Lactobacillus reuteri, HA-188®
| - | - | - |
Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122®
| - | - | - |
Lactobacillus plantarum HA-119®
| - | - | - |
Potato starch, microorganism complex (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Pediococcus acidilactici HA-524®, Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175, Lactobacillus reuteri HA-188, postbiotic: Lactobacillus acidophilus HA-122, postbiotic: Lactobacillus plantarum HA-119) (contains MILK, SOY), vegetable capsule shell (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), anti-caking agent: vegetable magnesium stearate.
FOR ALLERGENS: See ingredients in bold.